Financial and Insurance

We Offer These Flexible Options:

  1. We offer 0% monthly financing with minimal down payment.
  2. Payment in full  credit card discounts
  3. Payment in full check discounts
  4. Payment in full cash discounts
  5. Care Credit

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, HSA, FSA, check and cash accepted.


We file with all insurance companies: Delta Dental, MetLife, United Concordia, DenteMax, Cigna, Aetna, Guardian, Blue Cross Blue Shield. 

Our staff is dedicated to maximizing your insurance benefit.  If you have any questions regarding your insurance policy/coverage please call the office.  If there is a change in your insurance during treatment, please notify Lisa or Adriana.

Your Winning Smile should never be put on hold due to cost. Ask Lisa about our 0% financing and other flexible payment options.